Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program

Houston Başkonsolosluğu 15.05.2012

Please, find below the details of an International Student Program organized by the Archives of the American Field Service (AFS) Intercultural Programs in cooperation with the US State Department. Your interest in and support to this program will be appreciated.


“The Archives of the American Field Service (AFS) Intercultural Programs through its Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program brings students from all over the world to the US on full scholarships awarded by the US Department of State. A large number of YES participants come from Turkey. The YES scholarship in Turkey is very competitive and these students really are top-notch.


AFS is interested in locating families of preferably non Turkish origin who would be especially interested in learning more about Turkish culture and may be eager to host one of these Turkish students in Houston in hosting one of these bright Turkish students in Houston for a full school year beginning August 10, 2012. The bios of students selected for YES program from Turkey can be provided on request.


The families interested in hosting a student may contact following for further details

Emily Turner


Sponsored Programs Hosting Coordinator - Central States



ph: (800) 876-2377 ext 2911

ph: (651) 328-2911

fax: (651) 389-9376

2356 University Avenue West

St. Paul, MN 55114


Ahmet Akıntı Consul General
Monday - Friday

09:00 - 13:00 / 13:30 - 16:00

Visa application hours 1:30 pm-4 pm. Please take an appointment before your visit.
1/1/2024 New Years Day
1/15/2024 Martin Luther King Day
2/19/2024 Presidents Day
4/10/2024 Ramazan Bayram 1st Day
5/27/2024 Memorial Day
6/17/2024 Kurban Bayram 2nd Day
6/19/2024 Juneteenth National Independence Day
7/4/2024 Independence Day
9/2/2024 Labor Day
10/14/2024 Columbus Day
10/29/2024 Turkish National Day
11/11/2024 Veterans Day
11/28/2024 Thanksgiving Day
11/29/2024 Thanksgiving Holiday
12/25/2024 Christmas Day